Marissa Carruthers
Extract from TTG Asia
Tourism has the potential to change communities
Samnang Nuonsinoeum | Former Business Manager, Journeys of Change Co-Founder, KlemBox
Tourism is the tool Samnang Nuonsimoeum a 17-year-old Cambodian and his fellow Liger Leadership Academy classmates have employed to bring about change within their communities.
Led by Samnang, Sreypich Khon, 17, Sopheak Thy and Marady Heang, both 16, Journeys of Change was launched in September 2017 as part of Liger’s innovative curriculum that aims to create Cambodia’s next generation of leaders, problem-solvers and entrepreneurs. […]
Now, Journeys of Change is gearing up to launch a second tour that introduces visitors to the capital’s colorful array of markets, and there are plans in the pipeline to start a sustainable shopping tour in the capital.
Samnang said: “We don’t want to use communities as a commodity; we want to empower them. And we want to show visitors the real Cambodia and share our experiences.”